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DARC Bibliography - Children's Books

Title Author Publisher ISBN Age Comments
Adventures with the Vikings Linda Bailey Kids Can Press, Ltd, Toronto, Ont, 2001 1550745441 8-12 A fun Story
with "fact boxes" good accuracy
Craft Topics - Vikings Rachel Wright Franklin Watts, NY NY, 1992 0-531-14210-8 6+ Cool Crafts and info. Includes boat, helm, jewelry, more
Erik the Viking Sheep Elizabeth Creith Scholastic Canada Ltd, Toronto, Ont., 1997 590123807 3-7 Silly little story about a sheep who wants to be a viking. Fun though.
First Book of the Vikings Louise Dickinson Rich Franklin Watts, NY, NY, 1962 LCC627390    
Harald the Ruthless Andrea Hopkins Henry Holt & Co. NY NY, 1996 803031766 10+ Haralds saga retold. Some sketches in the bood and a good set of notes at the end.
Hiccup the viking who was seasick Cressida Cowell Hodder Children's Book, London UK, 2000 340757213 4-8 Story
How Would you survive as a Viking? Jacqueline Morely Franklin Watts, Toronto, Ont., 1995 531143449 10+ Accuracy is so-so (many minor and some more important errors)
Lief Eriksson: First Voyager to America Katherine B. Shippen Harper & Row, NY NY, 1951      
Lief's Saga - A Viking Tale Jonathan Hunt Simon & Schuster, NY, NY, 1996 068980492X 8-10 Story, some inaccuracies in the pictures
Myths & legends of the Vikings John Lindow Bellerophon Books, Santa Barbara, CA, 1992 883880717 10+ Colourable line art. Dense text with good accuracy
Story of Gudrun E.M.Almedingen W.W. Norton, NY, NY, 1967 LCC6718670    
Story of Lief Ericson William O. Steele Grosset & Dunlap, NY,NY, 1954 LCC545862    
Story of the Vikings - colouring book A.G. Smith Dover Press, NY NY, 1988 486256537 10+ Colouring book but with fine detail lines. Some text, good accuracy.
Technology in the Time of the Vikings Peter Hicks Wayland Publishers Ltd, East Sussex, UK, 1997 750221089 10+ Good accuracy including do-it-yourself projects
Time Traveller Book of Viking Raiders Anne Civardi & James Graham Campbell Usborne House, London UK, 1993 086020085x 12+ Very good. Told as a sort of story with lots of explanation
Viking (Eyewitness books) Susan M. Margeson Stoddart Publishing Co Toronto, Ont., 1994 773727736 10+ Lots of pictures of artifacts. Very good accuracy
Viking Activity Book Mary Jo Keller Edupress, Dana Point CA 1564721698   A teacher's guide with many activities
Viking Adventure Cylde Robert Bulla Scholastic Book Services, NY NY , 1963 (# TW2172)     Story
Viking Designs A.G. Smith General Publishing, Toronto, Ont., 1999 486404692   Black and white line art
Viking Hersir Mark Harrison Reed International Ltd., 1993 855323184 14+ Osprey Warrior #3 - very dense text. Artifact pictures and drawings.
Viking Invader Fergus Fleming Usborne PublishingLondon, UK, 1997 746029578 12+ A news magazine set in viking time. Humours and firly accurate
Viking Life John Guy Scholastic Inc, New York, 1998 043914917 12+ Photographs of some artefacts, very questionable text and drawings. Not reccommended.
Viking Settler (Everyday Life of) Giovanni Caselli Simon & Schuster, 1992 872261042 10+ Artists drawings, lifestyle scenes. Some artifact drawings, Good Story, Good accuracy.
Viking Ships John Lindow Bellerophon Books, Santa Barbara, CA, 1992 883880784    
Viking Village A.G. Smith Dover Press, NY NY, 1998 486403785   A sticker book to create a viking village 11x17"
Viking World Philippa Wingate EDC Publishing, Tulsa, USA, 1993 746013981 12+ Dense text but loaded with drawings. Good accuracy.
Vikings Robert Wernick Time-Life books, Alexandria, VA, 1979 809427095    
Vikings John D. Clare, Ed. Gilliver Books: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, San Diego, USA, 1992 152005129 12+ Loaded with pictures of re-enactors. Minor errors throughout but overall very good
Vikings (see through History) Anne Pearson Hamlyn Children's Books, UK, 1993 600579832 10+ Reasonable accuracy
Vikings (Treasure Chest) Fiona Macdonald Running Press 762401478   Includes Game, Sun compass
Vikings: Raiders from the North Time-Life, ed. Time-Life Books, Alexandria, VA, 1993 809498960 14+ Lots of artifact photos and drawings.
Warriors Rupert Matthews Zig Zag Pub., West Sussex, UK, 1994 187464781x 8-10 two pages on vikings. Very simple.
Who were the Vikings Jane Chisholm & Straun Ried Usborne Pub. Ltd. London UK, 1995 746020384 10+ Very good. Question and Answer style.
      Updated: August 26 2017 22:42:40.
Text © Neil Peterson, 2017
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