DARC at Baron's Howe
Date: 31 Aug - 4 Sep, 2006
Location: Bonfield, ON
Premise: This weekend provided us a chance
to accomplish several goals:
- a nice relaxing camp
- a chance to check out anything needed for our trip to Rhode Island
- demonstrate an iron smelt for the SCA
- allow a lot of people participate in the process of an iron smelt
- the smelt was also conducted in a carefully defined space. It is very close to the dimensions of the "smelter" at L'anse
aux Meadows. As much as possible the elements of the smelt were placed in the positions they were presumed to occupy there.
The iron experiment is documented
Some photos of the camp and Rig's project there.
Overview |
Overview |
Carving Post |
Rough post |
| |
Cooking |
Finished post |