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Haffenreffer Museum, Brown University - Bristol RI

September 14 / 16 / 17, 2006

After a one year hiatus, DARC received an invitation to come back for a third display at the Haffenreffer Museum at Brown University.

This year's exhibit was bigger than last year. We took the same size crew as last time, some folks from the Higgens Armory Museum set up combat demonstratios, and Brown kept its ambitous  lecture schedule.

Kevin Smith (Haffenreffer Museum, Brown University) spoke on Law and Order in the Viking Age, Dr. Michèle Hayeur Smith (Rhode Island School of Design) spoke about dress & adornment, Dr. William Fitzhugh (Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institute) spoke on Providence and the Viking Connection, Dr. William Short (Higgens Armory Museum) spoke on arms and armor, Prof. Stephen Mitchell (Harvard University) spoke on Tales of Adventure and History, DARC's own Darrell Markewitz spoke on Experiments in Iron Smelting, and Neil Peterson spoke on Viking Era Pastimes.

In addition, there were Icelandic sheep on site. The weather had been cool and raining running up to the event but the weekend was beautiful. Bright, sunny, and very well attended.

Unn and Bera set up a dye/cook fire and spent the weekend keeping us fed, watered, and making pretty colours.
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Bera Cooking fire Unnr cooking Unnr naalbinding
Bera lecturing
Kjarval did some bronze casting.
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Casting setup Kjarval lecturing Unnr
Ketill spent time forging.
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Ketill forging Kevin & Darrell Working bellows Short break
Forging a pin

Grimbold carved the days away.
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Grimbold carving Grim's helm Grim's tent Discussing layout

Rig entertained visitors with music and tales.
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Rig telling tales Rig and a crowd Rig playing Rig

Kaðlín spent the days spinning, and worked on warping up a new project.
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Kaðlín weaving Kaðlín lecturing Kaðlín The loom

And Ragnarr tried yet again to finance the trip with sales of beads, and various other materials.
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Trade goods Talking tafl Trade goods More tafl
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Interested customers Ragnarr Ragnarr & customers

Two pictures of the inside of tents.
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Ketill's bed Ragnarr's bed

Meanwhile the folks from Higgins Amory Museum put on their displays and helped people into armour, and the sheep worked on cropping the lawns.
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Axe work Talking weapons Practice Talking tactics
First training

Finally a couple of fun shots....
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Sheep rainbow Rig napping Kevin & pixie stix Camp setup
      Updated: 4 Dec, 2007
Text © Neil Peterson, 2006
Photographs © Individual artists
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